Why Themis exists
We founded our association, the Themis Advice Centre for Sexual Harassment and Violence, in May 2018. Themis is a joint effort of industry associations, employers, employee representatives in the arts and media sector, as well as broadcasting companies. As an independent entity, we aim to catalyse a cultural shift within the film, television, and stage industries.
Our namesake is the Greek goddess Themis, who symbolises justice and social cohesion. In her spirit, our main task is to support and get justice for those affected by sexual harassment or violence in the arts and media industry. Given the unique conditions of this industry, its employees face distinct challenges, demanding an external, cross-organisational advice centre.
Protecting the rights of those affected is our top priority. We provide legal and psychological advice and inform you of your rights. If, during a consultation, you decide to file a complaint under the AGG, we will accompany and support you, free of charge, in your dealings with the company.
We are also here to assist employers, witnesses, trusted individuals, or equality officers involved in cases of sexual harassment. Feel free to contact us during our consultation hours or schedule an appointment.
Our team
The Themis team is made up of eight women. Experienced in employment law and experts in cases of sexual harassment and violence, our lawyers will guide you through all possible legal steps. Our psychologists are also available for you to talk about your experiences. One of our goals is to develop solutions for your work environment together. If needed, our team is also happy to refer you to other appropriate resources.
How we're organised
Themis Advice Centre for Sexual Harassment and Violence is a registered nonprofit association. Industry institutions within the arts and media sector sponsor the counselling centre and provide financial support.
In addition to industry institutions, broadcasters, and associations, Amazon, Netflix, the Association for the Protection of Film and Television Producers' Rights (VFF), and the Society for the Administration of Neighbouring Rights (GVL) contribute to its financing. The Government Commissioner for Culture and Media also supports Themis Advice Centre.
Eva Hubert is our Chairwoman.
List of industry institutions
- Produktionsallianz (Alliance of German Producers - Film & Television)
- Bundesmusikverband Chor & Orchester e. V. (BMCO)
- Bundesverband Casting (BVC)
- Bundesverband Produktion Film und Fernsehen e. V. (BvP)
- Bundesverband Regie (BVR)
- Bundesverband Schauspiel (BFFS)
- Bundesverband der Konzert- und Veranstaltungswirtschaft (BDKV) e. V.
- Bundesverband Musikindustrie (BVMI)
- Bundesvereinigung Maskenbild (BVM)
- Deutsche Akademie für Fernsehen (DAfF)
- Deutsche Film und Fernsehakademie Berlin (DFFB)
- Deutsche Filmakademie
- Deutscher Bühnenverein (DBV)
- Deutscher Komponist:innenverband e. V. (DKV)
- Deutscher Musikrat
- Deutsche Welle
- Deutsche Musical Akademie e. V.
- Deutschlandradio
- Genossenschaft Deutscher Bühnen-Angehöriger (GDBA)
- Pro Musik e. V.
- Pro Quote Film e. V.
- Produzent*innenverband
- Vereinigung deutscher Opern- und Tanzensembles e. V. (VdO)
- Ver.di.
- Verband der Agenturen (VdA)
- Verband Privater Medien – VAUNET
- Verband Deutscher Nachwuchsagenturen (VdNA Film e. V.)
- Verband unabhängiger Musikunternehmer*innen e. V. (VUT)
How you can
support us
We enjoy helping people and really appreciate it when others want to support us. To do this, you can make donations or sponsor our prevention seminars. As we’re a non-profit association, you’ll always get a donation receipt from us.
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